Sunday, January 19, 2014

January Wantable and Birchbox Posts Coming Soon!

Hello-I haven't forgotten about my blog, really! My first week back to work was very stressful and busy, and just....not good.  I had no time or energy for blog posting, or anything else, really.  I wish I could spend more time doing what I enjoy, including posting on here, but I'm in kind of a crazy season of life right now.  I've spent the weekend cleaning, having a birthday party for my son, working on lesson plans, grocery shopping, and trying to get my thoughts in order.  When things are getting more difficult at work, I tend to focus on the negatives in my life, rather than the positives, and get bogged down in self pity. Yuck! That's not attractive at all.

I'm going to try to take better care of myself this week by countering negative self talk with more positive truths, taking my vitamins, drinking plenty of water, and resting as much as I can. What do you do to pick yourself up when you are feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and blue?

Stay tuned for posts about my January Wantable and Birchboxes-hopefully soon!


  1. I really appreciate your openness in this post. We all feel this way sometimes and I could go on for hours I'm sure but here are some quick ideas: A beauty treatment out like a haircut, manicure, pedicure, or facial. A bath, a book, an at home beauty treatment, and I would steal a slice of that Birthday cake too!

    1. Thanks for the great ideas! So far, it's been a much better week, thank goodness!
